An Example of Fraud Committed by McDonald’s in China: Part 2

Vincent B. Le Corre
: Fraud in China part 2
Date sent: February 7, 2023, 14:27 +0800 (China Standard Time)
Edward Lehman
Adam Rogalski (Legal Attaché/State Department),
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Note: since Assistant Legal Attaché Adam Rogalski told me on 2021-09-20 that he was “one of the FBI representatives,” I assume that this communication was transferred to the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
Fraud in China part 2,
The criminal entity McDonald’s advertising a burger with a beef patty the size of 16mm, see pictures IMG_7022.jpeg, IMG_7026.jpeg,
But when I tried to measure it, see picture IMG_5954.jpeg, it was closer to 4.57mm than 16mm (and I didn’t even pressed). Indeed:
16mm - 10.28 mm = 5.72 mm
5.71 mm < 5.72 mm
10.28 mm - 5.71 mm = 4.57 mm
You see… me too I could do the same thing. If McDonald’s methods are considered acceptable by McDonald’s, we should make sure the U.S. Attorney will use the same methods to demonstrate the frauds committed by McDonald’s.
Now. McDonald’s relayed in the fine print the fact that the 16mm was supposedly the size of the frozen beef patty.
Can you believe these criminals???
But the fine print was unreadable (see files IMG_7114 copy.jpeg and IMG_7114.jpeg).
FURTHERMORE, please remember that it was impossible to zoom in inside MCD’s app. Even if you could zoom in, which you couldn’t, the fine print wouldn’t be readable.
I forgot exactly how I was able to read it, I wonder if I didn’t have to actively search it somewhere on the website. Maybe there was an uncompressed imagine I had to extract? I forgot to be honest. But yes, it was written that it’s the size of the frozen patty.
However, then, why did these criminals claim 16mm was the size of the cooked beef patty? (See picture IMG_6957.jpeg)
Now, please look at picture IMG_8871.jpeg. In China, some jewelry stores… you know, I will send a third email, it will be more clear… with a different picture/screenshot….

Click on this link to visualize the original email: 2023-02-07_1427_0800_Fraud_in_China_part_2.pdf
To gain a clearer understanding of the sequence of events in this case, I invite you to view a detailed timeline at the following link:
This timeline provides a comprehensive overview of the key milestones and developments.